Monday, February 5, 2007

What I mean by Dino...

This is in response to a very good comment in the last post. Actually, it was the first comment ever - thanks for being a pioneer Max :)

This site isn't designed to attack any particular candidates as DINOS. It is designed to hold candidates accountable to Democrat ideals. I'm not sure if Kathleen Sebelius is a DINO. She doesn't seem like one and I like her. However, I do think that she could be afraid to accomplish progressive ideals because she is concerned about her political future in a red state.

For example, regarding the universal health care issue she raised in the state of the state address. Sebelius mentioned the goal of universal health care, but didn't really have any concrete proposals that would bring health care to all Kansans. Does she want the state to take over health insurance in Kansas? Does she want to offer more incentives to HMO's and small business? Or does she want she want enact price controls on greedy doctors? What does she plan to do?

If she takes a progressive approach, then I'm pleased. If she takes a moderate approach, I'm disappointed. If she takes a conservative approach, I'm outraged.

I'm not going to judge a Democrat on one issue - but if they refuse to support several key Democrat positions then they really are a DINO. That means they aren't doing anything to advance the cause.

I agree that awful Democrats like Zell Miller and Joe Lieberman are DINOS. But some of the worst DINOS of all time are the ones who talk like Democrats, but then get elected and do NOTHING to solve problems and support progressive policies.

We need leadership that will do something, not nothing.

I'm not here to start name calling, but I'm going to evaluate all Democrats objectively on what they stand for and what they have done. If this was done in the 90's, then maybe Bill Clinton (a decent president, maybe a good one) wouldn't have signed that awful NAFTA bill or the discriminatory Defense of Marriage act.

I hope that is clear to all readers. And if it isn't then please give me feedback. I want all to know where I stand and why I'm having this blog.


ASMR Review said...

I guess I'd have to disagree with the premise of this blog then. I am a moderate Democrat, and I find some conservative proposals quite sensible, and some liberal proposal quite sensible. I find some liberals to be quite irrational, as I find some conservatives to be irrational.

You are not going to change Kansas from a conservative leaning state to a progressive state overnight by proposing far-left ideas. The Republican Revolution took decades.

Sane, moderate Democrats like Kathleen Sebelius and Dennis Moore show that the public is receptive to moderate liberal ideas. We cannot alienate moderates by imposing litmus tests. WE are the big-tent party. While the Kansas GOP hangs itself with inter-party bickering, we should be rising above the fray with an inclusive party of moderate progressive ideals.

Anyway, best of luck, I'll continue to keep an eye on the site, despite my differences.

doubtingThomas said...

How about our new Attorney General? Have you had an opportunity to review him for lingering Repuglican cooties yet? I bet he has them in droves!